Upoad your own custom Avatar

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Upoad your own custom Avatar

Post by slaytman »

Thanks to Tazhuntin (Ron) there is a great website that allows you to upload any picture and edit it (zoom) and (crop). I did a sample run and made allocation for larger file size (35kb was 8kb) to accomodate the end results in .jpg format. Here are the steps.

go to Image

1) upload your picture (click the browse button)
2) choose --PHPBB (Network menu) for 80px x 80px (pixels)
3) drag the box around your picture for what you want. Use the zoom as well to get exactly what you want for your Avatar
4) click the PICTRIT button and it gives you 2 choices (email or download)
5) save the file (remember where you save it)
6)login at MJC Forum and click "Profile"
7) goto "Upload Avatar from your machine:" and hit "Browse"
8) select your saved image file and click "Submit"

Note: to change your avatar after submitting you must delete, submit then go back into your profile to upload a new image.

Hope this helps..you may leave comments after this post.
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