720 code Help please
Posted: September 25th, 2013, 7:14 pm
question for everybody in group? my jeep cherokee98 is having issues with the tranny and transfercase. Its a aw4 with the 242 transfercase. When i put the transfercase into 4low it wont shift out of 1st in automatic or manual. it will shift fine in 4 high. also when i drive it in 2 wheel manually it will only go into 1st and not shift into 2nd. every now and then when i start it and drive it dont want to shift at all so i tutn it off and then start it back up and drives fine. my cruisecontrol works as well. Would the output speed sensor cause all that and which one is it on the tranny? I forgot to mention the tranny is getting way to hot now and yes i have a tranny cooler. help please